K, so talk about slacking. So bad, that I don’t think anybody EVER looks at this blog any more! But it’s been a long time, and I thought I would quickly add a few things we have done lately. I have just been too busy to even craft, I crave sewing every day, but alas no time. But for what I have done…here ya are.
Hoola Hoops! We got crazy making these for a school fundraiser and all the kids got them for Christmas. What a Hoot!

I had to share my moms man purse she made for Duck! Actually it was just a bag to hold his new speed scrabble game, but totally creative!

I made these plaques for my mother-in-law and my mom as well

Then for myself and my sister-in-law I made these Stocking holders. I LOVED how mine looked hanging in my house. I didn’t take it down for months.

Matching PJ pants yay!

Oh my gosh, just the cutest outfit I think I have ever made. Too bad it was for my friends little girl!

Dresses I made for my girls Christmas present. They always get an outfit.

Making Christ Plaques for Christmas gifts and my primary spotlight gift

Dollar store cookie cutters and poem for our neighbors!

Rice bags the kids made for their friends and teacher.

Empty treat box from wallly’s recreated for Maliyah’s Teachers

Diaper Cake for a friends baby boy…the picture does NOT do it justice!

Candy Cane Suckers made with White Chocolate!

Also the Heart Cake Pop/Oreo Truffles. Make sure you have a glass of milk!

Long skinney bulletin board for hanging the kids school projects on

The kids Valentines. I found this cute idea on line somewhere, sorry I can’t tell ya where! It’s been way too long

the first dress I ever made Savannah, she wore it once as a dress and this pic as a shirt. I think I liked it better as a shirt.

Don’t Eat Pete gameboard I created. If you don’t know about this game….google it!

Love love love Home Depot project days!

Oooh! My most favorite thing I think I have made yet! Matching skirts for the girls!

Tutu and bows. But then the girls just make them cuter!

Just more fun flower clippies

My pathetically large and FULL bow holder. Yes it’s the inside of the closet door!

We went to Disneyland and I made the girls matchy tops.

OH my gosh, so that was a ton more than I thought I would have, but mostly because it’s just been SO long! Really I have NOT been crafting that much. That also covered Christmas stuff and that is a time I did some crafty stuff. Anyway…more to come later!